Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Hey Peeps! It's Molly and Si. We are totally psyched for Gator season. We're HUGE Tim Tebow fans. In fact, we are homeschooled JUST LIKE TEBOW was!!! Tim Tebow and his fam helped pave the way for us to be able to play extracurricular sports such as football and cheerleading without having to spend 8 hours in a school building. We know that we're still barely doing kindergarten curriculum, but it only takes us 30 minutes to an hour to do what it takes 3-5 hours for traditional school/classrooms. We spend the rest of the time enjoying life and avoiding the long lines and traffic. We went to the Cummer Art Museum this summer. We like the kids area but the "temprorary" exhibit of the "Sketch to Scalpel" series was a little bit much for us. Our friends came with us and our friend Vivien was quite unimpressed with the exhibits/sculptures of the insides of the body. She helped us find the exit to that wing VERY quickly :) The kids area had a neat contraption that helped us learn how to mix primary colors to come up with totally new colors. Did you know that yellow and blue make green? So cool!!

We've spent some time at the Jax zoo and we TOTALLY dig the train at the zoo. Gotta try the carousel if you're ever there too.

We had a really fun science activity last week. We were munchin on Target brand cheese crackers. Pepperidge Farm monopolized the [gold]fish idea so Target chose to go the "Chickadee" route. I [Molly] wanted to know what a Chickadee looked like since we were so good at making the "Chick uh dee dee dee dee" call. Youtube has some cool videos of 'em if you need a refresher course on Chickadees! We need to make a trip to [great] Grandpa's house in Iowa pretty soon so we can see all of his birds and have him give us a primer course.

Anyway, we hope you are enjoying the last days of summer. They're totally hot here in Florida and we're grateful that the hurricanes have stayed away so far this year. And remember .... GO....GATORS!!!!