Thursday, June 21, 2007

Guess What! Guess What!!!! My BIRTHDAY PARTY IS SATURDAY!!!! I can't wait, I can't wait!!! Hooray!!!! We're going to eat and celebrate with everything PINK!!! Strawberries dipped in pink chocolate! Pink Lemonade! Pink sandwiches! Pink (okay kinda purply) grapes! We'd make the pretzels pink if we could figure out how! My cake is going to be a Barbie dressed in a pink dress! Pink ice cream sandwich cake! I LOVE PINK!!! Pinky Dinky Doo, man!

I am a princess! Watch me eat pink!

Here's a picture of me. I came running into momma's office and made her take a picture of me (with my pink camera, of course) because Kenna put my hair up in pig tails - just like my doll. Instead of saying "Cheese", I prefer to say "Blue's Clues!!". Mommy hasn't figured out why "Blue" is the preferred word when PINK is my favorite (and would make me at least look like I'm smiling instead of booing). Hooray, hooray, it's almost my birthday!!!!!!!

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